LEPC Minutes

The Oxford County Local Emergency Planning Committee met on May 28th, 2024 at Rumford Power

I.  Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 12:12pm by Cammie Sprague

II. Approval of Minutes

Not enough members were present to form a quorum. 

 a. Treasurers Report

There was no Treasurer's Report available for presentation as a result of the ongoing transition of the finance department.

b. Chemical Spill Report

The committee reviewed the spill reports for the last quarter. Only one spill was reported this past quarter, and it consisted of fluids from a vehicle. 

c.  Training and Events Scheduled for June/July/August 2024

The committee reviewed the training and event schedule. 

III.   Old Business

d.     Hazardous Materials Training Update

The next Hazmat Ops Refresher is scheduled for June 1st at Fryeburg FD. At this time, Otisfield FD still plans to host their usual Ops Refresher however a makeup date has not yet been identified after two previous unexpected cancellations. 

e.     Tier 2 Reporting

All reporting facilities have submitted their reports and annual fees, with the exception of The Bethel Inn, who have not been responsive to calls or emails on the subject. 

IV. New Business

f. Location and Timing of Next Meeting - August 27, 2024 at 4pm, EMA Office, 9 Western Prom

g. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 12:32pm

Respectfully submitted,


Rachael Leighton

LEPC Secretary